Hunting for love.
area:Thailand is
language:The Thai
director:Tagged with Pucca
subtitle:TheHeartKillers, heart killer, love killer, KhaoJangHaihomJeebNakkha, KhaoChangHaihomChiNakkha, love killer, flirt killer, love hunting, love hunter, killer love, killer love, seductive killer, heart killer, heart hunter, love hunting, spy killer
Introduction:Tattoos tells the story of the Tatum, who is commissioned by the police to investigate the mysterious murder of businessmen and politicians.Can tracks the assassins brothers Fadel and Byson, who also run a restaurant.When the Tatum finds himself in love with Byson, things turn.In the meantime, Fadel is caught by a car repairman named Stale.
Details:It follows the story of the mysterious murder of businessmen and politicians, Fadel and Byson, who also run a restaurant, and when Fadel finds himself in love with Byson, things turn.In the meantime, Fadel is caught by a car repairman named Stale.Itfollowsthestoryofatattooartist,Kan,whoistaskedbytheolicetodigintothemysteriouskillingsofinessmenandoliticians.Kantailsthetwoassassinbrothers,FadelandBison,whoalsorunarestaurant.ThingstaturstakehennwhenKanfindshimffalling for...
Remark:Updated to 01
language:The Thai
director:Tagged with Pucca
subtitle:TheHeartKillers, heart killer, love killer, KhaoJangHaihomJeebNakkha, KhaoChangHaihomChiNakkha, love killer, flirt killer, love hunting, love hunter, killer love, killer love, seductive killer, heart killer, heart hunter, love hunting, spy killer
Introduction:Tattoos tells the story of the Tatum, who is commissioned by the police to investigate the mysterious murder of businessmen and politicians.Can tracks the assassins brothers Fadel and Byson, who also run a restaurant.When the Tatum finds himself in love with Byson, things turn.In the meantime, Fadel is caught by a car repairman named Stale.
Details:It follows the story of the mysterious murder of businessmen and politicians, Fadel and Byson, who also run a restaurant, and when Fadel finds himself in love with Byson, things turn.In the meantime, Fadel is caught by a car repairman named Stale.Itfollowsthestoryofatattooartist,Kan,whoistaskedbytheolicetodigintothemysteriouskillingsofinessmenandoliticians.Kantailsthetwoassassinbrothers,FadelandBison,whoalsorunarestaurant.ThingstaturstakehennwhenKanfindshimffalling for...
Remark:Updated to 01